Game Drives In Lake Mburo National Park

Game drives always happen in the morning and late afternoon because these are the best periods to see the hidden assets of wildlife in Lake Mburo National Park.

Game Drives In Lake Mburo National Park

Game drives originated from the strategic location of Lake Mburo National park in the western districts of Mbarara and Kiruhura that have got wonderful climate. The parks conditions accept the activity to go because the place has landscapes and great features like forested gorges, rocky plains, thicket, shrubs, 14 lakes and of which 5 are found at the parks boundaries and also having lake Mburo as the largest lake.  Amazing wildlife animals have contributed to the existence of game drives in the park and you will see beautiful impalas, elands and among others

Game drives always happen in the morning and late afternoon because these are the best periods to see the hidden assets of wildlife in Lake Mburo National Park. Game drives in Lake Mburo therefore have a scheduled time period and it is all because of shy animals that you will not watch during specific time of the day. The Eastern part of park hosts landscape features like the grassy hillside, wetlands,  acacia woodland, rock out crops, and seasonally flooded valley floors.  These have enabled tourists to come close to the wildlife and nature of the park.

Game drives in Lake Mburo are arranged depending on the climate changes of the park. There are night drives to support those who missed the day drives. The night drive begins at 6:30 to 7:00 pm. The final 2 or 3 hours are managed by the ranger guide and you will have an opportunity to see nocturnal animals like leopards and bush baby. Nocturnal game drives are amazing drives that take place in the park and there are many chances of seeing various animals like zebra, impala, Waterbuck, bush buck, warthog, and 100 eland. Currently, giraffes were introduced to boom tourism in the park. Introduction of giraffes has brought animal balance in the park.

Game drive in Lake Mburo National park are booming because of the good road transport systems which connect visitors who are coming to park.  These tourists always reach the parks destination in time due to easy access to park by good roads. Horse riding is an activity that creates mutual love between tourists and animals. Boat cruise which is done on water also attracts visitors to the park and they normally call it a motorboat trip. Boat cruise activity gives an opportunity to watch hippos, the keenest birder will watch all the birds and panoramic views and the stunning view will impress you. The African beauty is amazing and the game drives give visitors an opportunity to see birds flying and also watch crocodiles, fishing and aquatic birds.

Game drives in Lake Mburo have seriously grown into a new system and this has improved game drives in the park and now it is exciting and enjoyable.

Horseback safaris are arranged by Mihingo lodge. These safaris contribute to the possibilities of seeing wildlife in the park and you will not be shouted at by the noise of the engine of cars and noise from the closest towns. During horseback safari, on feels the nature of the park and the shy elands and zebras will be spotted. You will see the white and black stripes of the zebra when they get close to you. You can also feed it if you wish and the love will veil in its heart.

Game drives of Lake Mburo also depend on the location of the park. The park is found in the shadow area between mountain Rwenzori and Lake Victoria. The park temperatures range from 23-25 degrees Celsius and this shows drives can go on without any disturbances in the park’s program. Also roads within the park favor the game drive activity.

Lake Mburo National Park has 14 lakes and Lake Mburo is the largest and this has contributed to the game drives and boat cruise in the park. The lakes harbor aquatic animals like crocodiles which are seen on the shores of the lakes thus game drives becoming more interesting and entertaining. The park covers an area of 260 square kilometers hence making the game drive likely. The park is covered by savannah features like shrubs, and forested gorge that are habits of wildlife animals in the park.

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