Gorilla Trekking Experience In Uganda Bwindi And Mgahinga

It is only in Uganda where gorillas can be seen in two parks and these include Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Improving Gorilla Trekking Experience In Uganda Bwindi And Mgahinga

Improving gorilla trekking experience in Uganda Bwindi and Mgahinga– For any destination to attract more travelers it must brand itself as the best destination and thus improving the gorilla trekking experience is a must if Uganda needs to compete with other countries in gorilla trekking experience, there are 3 countries in the whole world where mountain gorillas stay. These countries in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.

It is only in Uganda where gorillas can be seen in two parks and these include Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. The other mountain gorillas live in Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and Virunga Volcanoes National Park located in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Among the three gorilla countries, Rwanda has been leaking as the gorilla destinations compared to the other two countries of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This has been attributed to the gorillas and the different cultures of Rwanda. Also, it is easy to see and trek gorillas in Rwanda Volcanoes national park because of the short distance from Kigali international airport or the capital city to Volcanoes National Park.

Because of these, Rwanda has been able to beat Uganda and the democratic republic of Congo when it comes to gorilla tracking, still, Rwanda has not relaxed it has invested heavily in the promotion and marketing of tourism abroad especially in the European countries with the current memorandum of understanding and promotions contract signed with the arsenal football club in England and this has made Rwanda an important destination for gorillas compared to Uganda.

Rwanda has also marketed itself as the destination for luxury travelers because of the marketing and promotional strategies. The country has constructed several loges, conference halls, and centers, as well as hotels and these, have attracted different visitors across the world. While Rwanda has increased the price of the gorilla trekking permit to $1500, people ate still visiting the country and it expects to benefit a lot from the improved gorilla trekking experience shortly.

Why improve gorilla trekking experience in Uganda

There are several reasons to the gorilla trekking experience in Uganda should be improved. While Uganda has always been ranked as one of the leading gorilla destinations in the world, it has not done all that it takes to improve on the gorilla tracking experience such that it can become the exceptional and number one gorilla trekking destination.

Factually, Uganda is the country with the highest number of mountain gorillas in the whole world and half of the world population of mountain gorillas stay in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park and Mgahinga National Park which are all located in the Southwestern part of Uganda.

 On the advantageous side, it is very easy to access Bwindi impenetrable forest National Park and Mgahinga gorilla’s national park in Uganda from Kigali International Airport in Rwanda. This makes Uganda be a serious competitor to Rwanda when it comes to gorilla trekking. This has happened when Uganda has done little when it comes to marketing and improving the gorilla trekking experience within the country.

This, therefore, means that improving the gorilla trekking experience in Uganda will lead to the influx of many tourists into Uganda who will in turn translate into the foreign exchange that will be injected into the economy. Further, this will lead to more employment opportunities that will have been created by gorilla tourism.

Improving gorilla trekking experience in Uganda

Uganda has been the leading country when it comes to the creation of exciting gorilla trekking safaris in the whole world. It is only in Uganda in the whole world where one can see the gorilla in two National Park is that is Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National park.

As if this is not enough, it is in Uganda in the whole world where one can enjoy four-hours with an endangered mountain gorilla in the wild. Visitors in Uganda can pay $1500 per person per trek to the forest and see the gorillas for 4 hours as compared to the same amount of money paid for visitors to see gorillas in Rwanda for only one and at this point, Uganda a standout to be a lucrative destination for gorilla tourism.

However, Uganda needs to improve her gorilla trekking experience such that most of most people can include it in their special gorilla trekking package instead of people going to Rwanda. This can be done by provisioning drinks to the travelers that book the gorilla habituation permit, also the gorilla trekking experience should be guided by the Cream Dela Cream of the conservationist or the park warden and thus by improving the gorilla trekking experience, or people will come to Uganda for gorilla trekking as we outcompete Rwanda gorilla trekking.

Another way how the gorilla trekking experience can be improved in Uganda is to have more local or cultural performances coupled with a cup of tea and both gorilla parks of Bwindi and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Cultural performances have proved to be one of the most exciting activities that are enjoyed by the tourists.

Visitors can as well be given the cultural performances before they are being briefed for the gorilla trekking in the park.  Also, there is a need to improve on the roads accessing Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National park especially in the southern region of the park in case of the Rushaga and Nkuringo as well as Ruhija .at times these roads tend to be impassable  especially during the  rainy season

With the price of a gorilla trekking permit in Uganda lower than that of Rwanda, improving the gorilla trekking experience will attract more visitors to Uganda for gorilla trekking safaris. Remember that the gorilla trekking permit in Uganda is ta $700 compared to $1500 for Rwanda. Travel with us at Africa Adventure Vacations for the best and amazing gorilla trekking safaris.

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