Community Tours Around Lake George In Queen Elizabeth National Park

Lake George features the papyrus swamp that covers the northern shoreline of the lake and this swamp was declared or gazetted as a Ramsar site

Community Tours Around Lake George In Queen Elizabeth National Park

Community tours around Lake George: Lake George is found in Queen Elizabeth National Park; western arm of the great East African rift valley meaning that it is a rift valley Lake. The lake is shallow and small in size as compared to other rift valley lakes. The lake is about 2.4 meters deep and covers an area of about 240 square kilometers.

Lake George is adjacent to Ruwenzori Mountains dubbed the mountains of the moon and because of this, it has most of the streams and rivers from the mountains of Ruwenzori pouring water into this lake. The lake is drained by Lake Albert through the channel known as Kazinga channel with a high concentration of wildlife species majorly hippos.

Well, if you’re interested in knowing the stream pouring into Lake George then here we go, one of the major rivers is known as Mpanga River, Dura originating in a similar direction with river Mpanga, Nsonge Mubuku, and Rumi. Despite all the tributes giving water to Lake Gorge, it has got only one outlet well known as the Kazinga channel. By outlet we mean the channel or river draining water from Lake to another destination. From Lake George, Water goes to Lake Edward through Kazinga Channel and continue to Albert via Semuliki River and continues to west Nile via Albert Nile

Lake George features the papyrus swamp that covers the northern shoreline of the lake and this swamp was declared or gazetted as a Ramsar site. The presence of sitatunga antelopes around Lake George in Queen Elizabeth National park has been attributed because of these swamps. Birds are also spotted hovering around this forest and the shoebill bird can as well be spotted here in addition to other animals of interest.

Most of the visitors have frequently asked whether there are community safari tours around Lake George. The answer is YES you can engage in community safari tours around Lake George. Kasoga community village is one of the best community safari tours that you take around Lake George and get the true rewarding community cultural experience. Kasoga is also one of the fishing villages that use Lake George as their source of Livelihood through fishing.

Kazinga also is one of the Ramsar sites presented in Hamukungu fishing village. Hamukungu fishing village is also one community villages that you can as well be visited. Hamukungu is also a landing site full of communities where you can visit and do engage in various activities including fishing, boat ride, and see how they live around the lake.

One can as well decide to visit the Kasenyi landing site still on the shores of Lake George for the best memories. You can as well be cruised to one of the major islands of Lake George such as Irangara, Akika, and Kankuranga, and see how fisher fishermen can her especially after they have finished casting their nets into the Lake.

 Enjoy the beautiful views of the people as they entertain you with their traditional dance and drama. Remember the landing sites usually are comprised of people from different tribes so you can enjoy the cultural diversity as you immerse into their culture and learn more.

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