Pakuba Airstrip in Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison falls national park has other airstrips apart from Pakuba airfield like Bugugu airstrip and chobe airstrip

Pakuba Airstrip in Murchison Falls National Park

Pakuba airstrip / airfield is located in nyowa district in Murchison falls National Park in north western Uganda. Murchison falls National Park is the largest national park with an area of 3893 sq. kilometers gazetted as a game reserve in 1926 and later officially opened as a game park in 1952. The park is most famous for Murchison falls named by Sir Samuel baker from its surrounding park Murchison falls national park. The park is shared in districts of nyowa, bulisa, masindi and kiryandongo in northern western Uganda.

Murchison falls national park is a home of 76 mammal species such as lions, elephants, buffalos, bush bucks, giraffes among others, 451bird species i.e. shoebill stork, grey crested crane, African jacana etc. tree species, butterflies and is divided into two by the longest river in the world that’s River Nile and the strongest water fall also known as the devil’s cauldron

Pakuba airstrip / airfield is located at the banks of Albert Nile, approximately 275 kilometers from Entebbe international airport, 72km west of Chobe airport managed by chobe safari lodge and 15km north east of Bugugu road south of Pakwach the airfield is 19 km and north west of Masindi its 95 km

Murchison falls national park has other airstrips apart from Pakuba airfield like Bugugu airstrip, chobe airstrip though you can use other road transport to get to Murchison falls national park that’s private means, public transport or book with tour companies among others.

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