How to access Murchison falls National Park

Getting to Murchison falls National Park by road and air transport

How to access Murchison falls National Park

How to access Murchison falls National Park: Murchison falls National Park is Uganda’s largest national park followed by Queen Elizabeth National park with 1978 square km located in North Western of Uganda sharing districts Buliisa, Nwoya, Kiryandongo and Masindi covering an area of 3893 sq km. The park is divided into southern and northern bank separated by River Nile.  And the park is managed and protected by Uganda wildlife authority.

Murchison falls National Park was gazatted in 1930s as a game reserve but started officially in 1952 when government decided to depopulate people. The park has got so many attractions like Murchison falls, Victoria Nile, Nyamisiva cliff, old stone age sites, birds which are over 450 like the shoe-billed stork, grey crowned crane, black-headed lapwing, Senegal thick-neck among others and mammals i.e. the bush bucks, giraffes, lion, elephant, Uganda kobs, hyenas to mention but a few.

Murchison Falls National Park is very accessible in any direction you drive from because it has gates around it. You can go to Murchison Falls National Park by road or by air transport

Access Murchison falls National Park by air transport.

You are able to reach Murchison Falls National Park by air transport from Entebbe National Airport oh Kajjansi Airfield through Pakuba, Bugungu or Chobe air fields. Here you can book with aero link Uganda eagle airlines and much more. Bugungu being the most convenient for tourists to paara in the southern part of Murchison Falls National Park and also to those going to red chili camp, Nile camp and samba safari camp. You can as well go through Chobe airfield located near Chobe lodge

Access Murchison falls National Park by road transport.

Kampala to Masindi – Murchison. Its 305 km, 5 – 6 hours from Kampala to Masindi then 85 km from Masindi town via Kichumbanyobo gate to para in the southern part of Murchison Falls National Park.  Here you get a chance to see Zziwa rhino sanctuary

Kampala – Luwero – Pakwach. This is 366 km taking you 5 hours and 20 minutes. Here you get to have a stopover at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Karuma falls, River Nile among others.

From Masindi you can use Bagungu gate which is 135 km and it leads you to southern part of Murchison falls National Park. This route helps you view Budongo forest and rift valley escarpment.

You can as well reach Murchision Falls National Park through other gates like Chobe, Wankwar, Mumbako and Tangi gates. You can reach the Northern Gates via the kampala – Pakwach routes which crosses the Nile at Karuma falls bridge. This is about 260km from Kampala city taking you 4 hours.

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