How far is Murchison Falls National Park from Kampala?

Distance from Kampala to Murchison falls national park depends on the route selection.

How far is Murchison Falls National Park from Kampala?

How far is Murchison Falls National Park from Kampala? The journey to Murchison falls national park is not as tiresome and long as you may imagine. Because of its strategic location stretching to the northern part of Uganda, most people think that this a very long distance but the answer is no. Murchison Falls National Park is very accessible and you will need about 4 or 5 hours to reach the park from Kampala.

Visitors can genet to Murchison Falls Nation Park from Kampala using well tarmacked Gulu express road via Bombo road. On the other hand, one can access the park while using the Masindi road so there very many routes that you can use to get into Murchison Falls National Park.

From Kampala, visitors will need to travel for about 305 kilometers which is roughly 5 hours from Uganda’s capital city Kampala. A four-wheel drive is recommendable when driving to Murchison falls national park especially to visitors using private means. Usually, inside the park, some roads and trails tend to be impassable especially when it rains, and thus you will need a strong vehicle to navigate through such roads.

Of course, we can’t guarantee you that it’s a 5-hour drive from Kampala to Murchison falls national park since this journey can depend on various factors including your stopover to view different spectacular features on your safari and the nature of the roads also determines a lot. But without stopovers surely from Kampala, you will be able to reach Murchison Falls National park in about 5 hours.

Accessibility to Murchison falls national park takes two routes that differ in distance. This means that the distance from Kampala to Murchison falls national park depends on the route selection. The route you have chosen to use matters a lot and you determine how long or short you will get into Murchison Falls National Park. For example, one can decide you access Murchison Falls National Park through the southern gates at Kichumbanyobo gate which is about eighty-five kilometers from Masindi and this one becomes a bit shorter compared to using Bugungu gate where you will spend 135 kilometers. This is a long journey but without boring as your eyes will be filled with turning views of Budongo forest.

While using the Wankwar gate, you will pass through reach Chobe safari Lodge. The other gates through this northern part of Murchison Fall National Park are Mubako and Tangi gates.  From Kampala, you can follow the Kampala Patwach road and branch off after you have bypassed the Karuma fall bridge. Feel free to make a stopover and watch this wonderful site. While using this route, you will be able to travel 260 kilometers to get into Murchison Falls National Park.

You can as well use air transport which has proven to be the fastest means of transport to reach Murchison falls National Park. The park is well served with different airstrips such as Chobe airstrip and Pakuba airstrip in the northern and southern part of the park respectively. Charter flights are available from Entebbe internal airport or Kajjansi airfield which are about 35 kilometers away from Kampala city center. Aero link, eagle air are prominent companies operating scheduled flights in Uganda. You can book with either of the company or use us at Africa adventure vacations and we do all the booking for you

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