Hiking And Nature Walk in Murchison Falls National Park

Nature walk in Murchison falls national park is done anytime of the year though dry season is the best time for nature walks and hiking since routes are not sleepily because trails are dry

Hiking And Nature Walk in Murchison Falls National Park

Hiking and nature walk in Murchison falls national park. Murchison falls national park is located in north western Uganda in districts of masindi, nyowa, kiryandongo and bulisa districts on an area of 3893 sq. kilometers. The park is the oldest and largest national park in Uganda managed by Uganda wildlife authority

Hiking and nature walk in Murchison falls national park are one of the best activities that give you an opportunity to explore the park on foot. Hiking and nature walks mean walking on foot which enjoying the beautiful scenery of Murchison falls national park seeing and studying different birds, plants, wildlife and waters in Murchison falls national park.

The nature walk trails in Murchison falls national park pass through Kaniyo Pabidi forest, rabongo forest and albert delta areas where by all these are part of Murchison falls national park conservation area. Hiking and nature walk activities are hard and sometimes not easy though it comes with benefits like burning calories and exercising tensed muscles while enjoying wildlife.

Hiking to the top of the falls gives an opportunity to see Mother Nature’s wondrous gorge which is also known as devils cauldron. The gorge is the best view of the falls as you will see masses of water trying to squeeze through the gorge. The force of the water is too much making the ground tremble with vibrations. Here you can see a number of birds near the water and animals drink water on river banks. The hiking to the top of the hill takes about 45 minutes to the top of the falls.

The shortest nature walk starts at mubako junction on the southern side of the river and also around Simbya River lodge the short hikes and nature walks takes 1 – 2 hours

Hike to the top of the falls

The bakers point is the starting point to hike to the top of the falls and its believed that in 1864, it’s from this spot sir Samuel baker stood and admired the beauty of Murchison falls national park and named the falls Murchison falls after Murchison falls national park. The most interesting trail is the top of the falls in the national park as the scenery is beautiful with kingfishers’ shoebill and other water birds. The tour guide is always available to help you on everything you need to know about birds, animals and about Murchison falls.

Nature walk in Kaniyo Pabidi forest

Kaniyo Pabidi forest is part of Budongo forest located 8km from kichumbanyobo main gate to Murchison falls national park in the south. This forest is well known for nature walk. Through this trail you will see chimpanzees, olive baboons, blue colobus monkeys, read tailed colobus monkeys, black and white monkeys and birds e.g. grew crowned crane, African jacana, and horn bills among others. You can also see trees and plants here like mahogany

Rabongo forest nature walk

This forest is found in the southern side of Murchison falls national park conservation area at a quite distance from para. The walk through rabongo forest will give you a chance to see predators like lions, animas such as warthogs, elephants and primates e.g. monkeys and chimpanzees, birds i.e. shoebill stork and martial eagle among others.

Nature walk in Murchison falls national park is done anytime of the year though dry season is the best time for nature walks and hiking since routes are not sleepily because trails are dry. Hiking and nature walks are not the only activities done at Murchison falls national part but also boat cruise, game drive, birding, cultural encounters and sport fishing among others

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