Golden Monkey Trekking In Virunga National Park

Golden monkey trekking in the Virunga consists of travelers hiking up to mount Mikeno

Golden Monkey Trekking In Virunga National Park Congo

Golden monkey trekking in the Virunga national park is such a rewarding activity which travelers participate in and they will always remember the Congo safari. The park is a home of endangered golden monkey species and they are found in Mgahinga, Volcanoes and Virunga national park. Golden monkey trekking in Virunga National Park is so far if compared to other parks because of the rewarding attractions and views which can be sighted during the activity and it is known to be a home of large numbers of golden monkey troops thus unmatched to any other park where you can find golden monkeys.

What involves in golden monkey trekking

Golden monkey trekking in the Virunga consists of travelers hiking up to mount Mikeno so as to reach to the habituated golden monkey troops in the park. Briefing session is the first thing in the morning before allowing a tourist to participate in the activity of golden monkey trekking. The main reason for the briefing session is to take a tourist through the dos and don’ts in the park. You are advised to limit movements in the park and also not to make noise while in the park. You are not supposed to eat in the presence of golden monkeys and among others don’ts are talked about in the session so as to make your golden monkey trekking activity safe.

Packing list for golden monkey trekking

Hiking boots are recommended for safe golden monkey trekking in Virunga. They are used to protect you when hiking in the slippery routes of Mt Mikeno.

 Insect repellent are required to prevent you from biting of insects like tsetse flies which can lead you to contract diseases or may cause irritation when bitten.

You need drinking water so as you can remain hydrated during the activity since you will make a long hike to find golden monkeys in their habitats which are in high elevation in the bamboo trees that act as their source of food.

Binoculars are also good to be with since they bring things that are far close. During the golden monkey trekking, you will have to spot birds in the sky and binoculars will help you to see them closely.

A camera is also recommendable since you cannot try to miss out taking photos with these precious species and always remember you rewarding tour to Congo.

Long shirts and trousers are used to prevent you from being pricked by nettles or being scratched by the vegetation branches when hiking in the dense forest along the mountain so as to get to habituated troops.

Rules and regulations of golden monkey trekking in Virunga national park.

You are required to follow the lead of the guide so as to have an amazing activity in the Virunga. You should limit your noise and movements in the park when doing golden monkey trekking activity because if not controlled you will scare these species away. These species move from one place to another and if you encounter them, you should try as much as possible not to scare them and this will make you enjoy your trekking activity. You are supposed to be free from diseases and you should be healthy before going for golden monkey trekking in the park because this is met to prevent these species from contracting human disease. Travelers who are under the age of 15 years are not allowed to take part in golden monkey trekking activity.

Benefits for golden monkey trekking

You will spot various bird species when trekking and hiking through a thick forest of Mount Mikeno so as to reach the habituated gorilla families of Congo.  You will spot bird species like narrow tailed sterling Doherty’s Bush-shrikes, Chubb’s Cisticola, African Goshawk, African Blue Flycatcher and Baglafetcht weaver, handsome Francolin, Dusky turtle love, Ruwenzori turaco, Ruwenzori nightjar, the dusky crimson wing, African fish eagle. During the activity, travelers also encounter number of primate species and all these are met to make your tour successful and memorable. Some of these primates include chimpanzees, gorillas among other attractions in the park.

Remember that the golden monkey treks are not organized since the golden monkeys move from one place to another and are far from the camps. However when you are at Kikumba area, the management of the park will organize for you the treks to make you tour interesting.

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