Giraffes in Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo has answered you with the nice looking giraffes that most people were yawning to see in the savannah park.

Giraffes in Lake Mburo National Park

Giraffes in lake Mburo national park: The park is among the parks in Africa that lacked precious giraffe species in the past. But luckily enough, currently Lake Mburo hosts these species.

Giraffes were transported to Lake Mburo in 2018. During this year they managed to hit the road and joined the savannah national park that is sheltered with acacia trees.

Giraffes that were translocated to Lake Mburo were brought from Murchison falls which is found in the northern parts of Uganda. The reason why these endangered species were translocation is to protect them and ensure their survival. These species brought to the unique lake Mburo are so unique. Many people visited Lake Mburo to see the look of giraffes in the savannah after hearing the news that they were available in Lake Mburo.

The park has 15 Rothschild giraffes and it is said that in the world, they do not exceed 1600.700 giraffes are said to be in captivity around the world and 800 are available in the wild of the different parts of the world with high population in Uganda. This is because Uganda is well known for preserving wildlife rather than captivating them.

Rothschild giraffes are also sometimes called giraffe camelopardalis Rothschild. These are endangered giraffes subspecies that have few individuals in the wild on record. These amazing and beautiful giraffes were named after Walter Rothschild a founder of tring museum’s and area that is called baringo giraffe which was also named after Lake Baringo that is found in Kenya.

Rothschild giraffes is exceptional creature that has made people from several parts of the world to come and visit the national parks were it is inhabited to prove about the stories written in books about their uniqueness and confirm if the information is credible enough.

Rothschild giraffes has unique features that you can’t find with other types of giraffes. The most uniqueness spot on Rothschild giraffes is the number of ossicones on that are fond on the head. Rothschild giraffes is the only subspecies that is born with 5 ossicones and of which the 2 are gorgeous ossicones with larger and obvious at the top of the head. Some are common to most giraffes like the third ossiocne which are seen in the middle of the forehead of a giraffe.

The 2 ossicones that are remaining are seen behind the ear. These kind of giraffes are known to be tall with a height of 6 meter high which is roughly 20 feels thus making these giraffes unique from other creatures that are located in the same park. The long necks of giraffes help it to see distant things which enables it to warn other animals in case it has seen danger coming.

Giraffes are known to be mating at any time thy feel like mating in a year and therefore the programs of Lake Mburo are disturbed by the unpredictable mating cycle of giraffes. The gestation period for these giraffes is said to be 14-16 months and they give birth to one calf. Rothschild giraffes stay in herd with their children and males, however they leave separately and will mix again when going to mate.

Males are larger. Males are always unique from females in any kind of society. Males have 2 ossicones that are bald from sparring. Male giraffes have darker color if compared to that of females but it is not a must indicator of sex. The giraffes in the park feed on the weed, acacia hockii and this is because of the inc4rease of the shrubs in Lake Mburo National Park in the recent years. This is one off the good things that has ever happened to Lake Mburo.

Now Lake Mburo is found with unique creatures of the endangered giraffes.  Do not bias on where you can travel and see giraffes from, Lake Mburo has answered you with the nice looking giraffes that most people were yawning to see in the savannah park. All great things begin with Lake Mburo National Park of Uganda.

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