Giraffes In Akagera National Park Rwanda

Akagera national park can be reached by using road from Kigali city about 110 km which is about 2 hours drive.

Giraffes In Akagera National Park Rwanda

Giraffes in Akagera national park Rwanda. The park is located in in eastern Rwanda with an area of 1122 sq. km along the border of Tanzania. The park consists of mainly savanna vegetation, woodland, montane forests, marsh and swamp. Akagera national park is controlled and managed by Akagera management company after an agreement between Rwanda development board and African parks in 2of mainly savanna vegetation, woodland, montane forests, marsh and swamp. Akagera national park is controlled and managed by Akagera Management Company after an agreement between Rwanda development board and African parks in 2010 to manage this national park.

Akagera national park is a habitat of about 500 bird species such as black headed lapwing, shoebill stork, grey crowned crane, African jacana and over 8000 mammals such as lions, elephants, antelopes, zebra, water bucks, Jackson’s hartebeest, hippos, crocodiles, oribis among others. The park is a home of over 85 Rothschild giraffes which can be seen during the game drives, nature walks and on a boat cruise in Akagera national park

Akagera national park can be reached by using road from Kigali city about 110 km which is about 2 hours drive.

Facts about Rothschild giraffes

Height and weight

A male Rothschild giraffe grows uo to a height of 6 meters tall that’s 20 feet and can weigh up to 3600 pounds while a female Rothschild giraffe can grow up to a height of 4.5 meters and can weigh up to 2600 pounds


Giraffes are herbivores animals meaning the feed on vegetation. They use their long necks with the help of the tongue which is about 45 centimeters to feed of shrubs such as young shoots, leaves, tree backs, stems, and forage from one tree to another. Rothschild giraffes sleep for as little as 30 minutes to 4 hours and they sleep while standing meaning they spend  about 16 to 30 horses feeding in Akagera national park. Due to its size an adult giraffe can feed up to about 75 pounds of food each day. The giraffes take time to drink water because they receive their water through the leaves they feed on i.e. acacia trees.


Rothschild giraffes live in savannah grassland type of vegetation and woodland vegetation which are made up of scattered trees and open forest where they will be able to feed. They are one of the fastest running animals and they can run up to 55 km per hour because of their height and long neck. Giraffes cannot live in dense forests because these forests make their feeding and movements difficult. Giraffes live in groups of up to 20 individuals and the groups sometimes can go up to 50 individuals. Groups are made up of young ones, male and females. When the male ones mature they leave the group to live a solitary life. Due to their long neck it prevents them to predators such as lions.


Male giraffes are not like female giraffes, they are not sociable as females and they establish dominancy among herds by fighting.

Unique features about Rothschild giraffe.

These giraffes are different from each other in terms of coat color which comprises of dark orange and brown patches with creamy white and beige through them. Rothschild giraffes have white socks on their legs, two horns for females and three horns for male the third being in the center of their forehead.

How to differentiate a male giraffe from a female giraffe.

Male giraffes are bigger than female giraffes

The male giraffes have 3 horns while the female giraffe have 2 horns

Males have 3 ossicones while females have 2 ossicones

Male giraffes grow up to 20 feet tall and can weigh up to about 3600 pounds while females grow up to 16 feet tall and can weigh up to 2600 pounds

Male giraffes grow darker in color as they grow old while females maintain their color

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