Game Drives in Murchison Falls National Park

Game drives take place every day but at different times of the day, they include morning game drives, evening game drives and night game drives

Game Drives in Murchison Falls National Park

Game drives in Murchison falls national park. Murchison falls National Park is the largest and oldest national park in Uganda followed by Queen Elizabeth national park, the park is managed by Uganda wildlife authority. The park is located in north western Uganda in districts of Bulisa, Nyowa, Masindi and Kiryandongo on an area of 3893 sq. kilometers.

Murchison falls is a home of over 76 mammals i.e. lions, buffaloes, elephants, Uganda kob, warthogs, Jackson’s hartebeest and 451 bird species i.e. African jacana, grey crowned crane, shoebill stork, marabou stork, Abyssinian ground hornbill, secretary birds among others

Game drive is one of the top tourism activity in Murchison falls national park where travelers get a chance to see wildlife species in the park in the cars. The game drives in Murchison falls national park are mostly done in the northern sector of the park because of high concentration of animals here. The northern sector of Murchison falls national park is covered by short savannah woodland shrubs and open savannah grasslands. Despite how forested southern sector of Murchison falls national park is some game drives are done there in open land for good view of animals.

Routes used during the game drives in Murchison falls national park.

Game drives in Murchison falls national park are best done in the northern sector because of high concentration of animals. Buligi track, Albert track and Victoria track are the different routes followed during game tracks are Murchison falls national park.

Buligi track. This is the most used track when it comes to game drives found in the northern direction of paraa. Buligi gives you a chance to see a lot of birds i.e. bee eaters, weavers, seed eaters, fish eagles, grey crowned crane among others. Wild animals such as leopards, lions, hyenas, bushbucks, giraffes, hippos, water bucks, crocodile on the shorelines of River Nile much more.

Victoria truck. This is located where the boat rides take place near Victoria Nile in Murchison falls national park. It gives you an opportunity to have a look at wildlife in Murchison falls national park as the animals gather here to drink water and graze along the shores of the Nile.

Albert Nile delta is an area where game viewings are done too in Murchison falls national park.  This is where you can sport animals like buffaloes, lions, giraffe, and elephants among others, birds’ i.e. shoebill stork and other water birds. You can also see a number of animals at nyamisika cliff e.g. buffaloes, antelopes, lions and birds i.e. bee eater, Egyptian plover, shoebill stork among others.

What is the best time for game drives in Murchison falls national park?

Although game drives in Murchison falls national park can be done any time of the year. The best time for game drives is dry season that’s December January and February because this time animals come to main water springs for water drinking and also this season the grass is always short allowing clear view of animals  and roads are passable

Game drives take place every day but at different times of the day, they include morning game drives, evening game drives and night game drives

Morning Game Drives.

With the morning game drives, so many wildlife species can be seen because most of them are active this time i.e. leopards, lions, elephants, giraffes, Uganda kob, bushbucks, Jackson’s hartebeest among others you can as well see bird species. Morning game drives take place in the morning at 7:00 am

Evening & Night Game Drives.

Evening game drives gives you an opportunity to see the beauty of Murchison falls national park and see wildlife enjoying sunset in the wild. This game drive starts in the evening at 4pm and last for 3 to 4 hours to give you enough time to see the wild animals i.e. lions, buffaloes, giraffes, baboons among others and birds in the park and you are lucky you can see lions spying prey in buligi game track

Yes, Murchison falls National Park is one of the best national parks in Uganda for amazing and exceptional night games. The experience starts at about 8:00pm after dinner and takes about 2 hours. The night game drives are done using spotlight torches for clear viewing and an armed park ranger for protection and also spotting of nocturnal animals. On a lucky day, you may find them in action of hunting their prey

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