Virunga Park Entrance Fees

Entrance fee is the money paid by the tourists at the entrance which allows them to access the park.

Entrance Fees For Virunga National Park

Are you looking for entrance fees for Virunga national park? This is one of the oldest park in DR. Congo with mountain gorillas. Entrance fee is the money paid by the tourists at the entrance which allows them to access the park. The park is nearby Goma town just like 14 kilometers on the Eastern border of Congo with Rwanda. There are different options of accessing the park that is you can use like an Ethiopian airlines flight that lands at Goma international airport or one may decide to fly into Rwanda at Kigali international airport and then drive for the distance which is about 4 hours up to the Grande Barrier border post, this is the place where all tourists of Virunga national park sign from and receive their permits which allows them to explore the park. It is the same place where tourists show their valid yellow fever card, DR. Congo valid visa and confirmation of the trip booking. Those tourists who want to visit Virunga national park, do not forget that all bookings in the park are done in advance but not on the arrival because it is the only way to get tourist VISA which allows you to access Congo. Tourist VISA is only valid for 14 days and allows you to explore Kahuzi Biega and Virunga national park. Africa Adventure Vacations is available to help you to visit both parks in 5 days.

Virunga national park has lot of tourism attractions which is good for tourists who are looking for park with amazing attractions. These attractions are Chimpanzees, mountain gorillas, active volcano mountains, bird species like Rwenzori batis, White-headed wood hoopoe, Madagascar bee-eater, Double-toothed Barbet,  Grey-throated Barbet, Yellow-billed Barbet, Rwenzori turaco, Black bishop, Stripe breasted tit, African goshawk, Olive Sunbird, , Black billed turaco, Black saw-wing, Strange Weaver, Black thirsted wattle-eye among others which make bird lovers to get great experience on their bird watching safari in Congo and various wildlife animals like okapis, Lions, hippos, buffaloes and among others. All activities carried out are handled by Virunga national park and is also responsible for issuing permits for various activities in the park, all the security team is from Virunga, accommodation in the park is also managed by Virunga national park. Grande Barrier post at the Goma border is where the Virunga national park headquarters is found. Here is where all the Virunga tours start from.

Mountain gorilla trekking is one of major activities carried out in the Virunga national park. Congo gorilla trekking permit costs 400USD per person each day which allows you to explore more about mountain gorillas and also enjoy with them through taking photos, interacting. Mountain gorillas of Virunga national park are the most welcoming gorillas if compared to the mountain gorillas of Bwindi in Uganda and volcanoes in Rwanda. In Virunga national park, a visitor has a chance to meet 41 individuals of mountain gorilla group within a day and also watch the mothers taking care of the younger one, gorillas playing, nesting, silverback ruling its family and others. Gorilla trekking permit in Virunga national park is the cheapest permit if compared to the other parks which inhabit mountain gorillas like Bwindi and Mgahinga national parks of Uganda costs 700USD per person each day and Volcanoes of Rwanda costs 1500USD per person each day. Virunga national park also gives visitors a chance to explore more about mountain gorillas at free of charge at Senkwekwe gorilla orphanage center where you find orphanage gorillas who lost their parents by poachers and civil wars but this offer is for those ones who are staying in Mikeno lodge, therefore if you do not want to miss out this chance, make your bookings at the luxurious Mikeno lodge and visit these primates.

The world’s largest Lava Lake that is Mountain Nyiragongo is also found in the Virunga national park, this hike is an overnight hike and the entrance fee for Mount Nyiragongo in the Virunga costs 300USD only for hike per person but you can top up 100USD and book Virunga backpack which is includes meals for the overnight hike, bottled water and a sleeping bag. This hike can be tricky that is why hikers are always recommended to be fully equipped and prepared enough before booking a permit. At the top of Volcano there is red hot boiling magma and sometimes degrees at the top goes to the 0 degrees so do not forget to carry warm clothes to take you through the night with no disturbance.

Virunga national park also offers habituated chimpanzee which are found in Mahura forest and it is only one chimpanzee family. This family was jointly habituated by the stakeholders and Virunga. Now this place is open for everyone who wish to be a part of this experience. The experience begins at 6am looking for chimpanzees which takes like 4 hours and then return to your reserved lodge for lunch and relaxation.

You can get in touch with Africa Adventure Vacations to arrange for you a successful Virunga national park trip that will surely meet your interests.

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