Crater Lakes In Queen Elizabeth National Park

The ancient crater lakes of Queen Elizabeth National park are believed to have been formed as the result of violent eruptions caused by volcanicity on the rift valley floor

Crater Lakes In Queen Elizabeth National Park

Crater lakes of Queen Elizabeth National Park, this is the only park with over 20 crater lakes that are either permanent or seasonal. As you trek through these several crater lakes, you will experience the wonders of the world in which queen Elizabeth National park is. Don’t miss this glorious experience.

Lake Katwe which is located on the northern side of Mweya peninsular presents the best Crater Lake in Queen Elizabeth national park. The lake is of great economic significance to Uganda’s economy as it provides salt to the people around the park and the whole of Uganda.

Lake Katwe’s depth is approximately 3265 ft and because of the salty condition of this lake, it cannot habituate any animals within it. However, you will be able to cite elephants, buffaloes, and flamingoes at the baboon cliff. You can visit the park and see how people especially women are heavily involved in salt mining within this lake.

The ancient crater lakes of Queen Elizabeth National park are believed to have been formed as the result of violent eruptions caused by volcanicity on the rift valley floor and these eruptions were so violent that instead of piling debris just about their vents, they instead widely released ash to the far areas.

Due to the lack of outflows for water, the water of these lakes tastes salty. Besides lake Katwe, the other lakes of this nature include the Ndali  Kasenda crater, lake  Bunyaruguru on Kichwamba escarpment, and the most beautiful Kyemengo. A drive around the crater lakes grants a magnificent view of plenty of wildlife that includes elephants, monkeys in addition to several bird species.

The strategic position of the crater lakes further enables breathtaking views of the great western arm of the African rift valley with its enormous escarpments. Still, some of the lakes contain molten lava and are likely to explode in years to come but not when you’re in for the safari trip.

At Lake Katwe crater, it is interesting for you to observe the salt extraction process that has triumphed over time and of which the traditional technology is still being used to extract salt at the lake. The bird-watching life can be fantastic here with large bird such as flamingoes flock to the lake to sift the algae.

Along the crater lake drive, the Ruwenzori mountains dubbed the mountain of the moon come into full view and one is guaranteed of taking in that breathtaking and spectacular beauty of the tallest mountain ranges in Africa, taller than  Europe’s Alps. The explosion crater lakes drive is one of the scenic wonders of Queen Elizabeth National Park and therefore can never be left out of any safari itinerary for any safari-goer.

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