Best Time to Visit Murchison Falls National Park

Although the Murchison falls national park can be visited anytime of the year but the following are the best times to visit Murchison falls national park

Best Time to Visit Murchison Falls National Park

Best time to visit Murchison falls national park: The Park is located in north western of Uganda and is the largest national park in Uganda with an area of 3893 square kilometers followed by Queen Elizabeth national park. Formally known as kabalega national park it was gazetted as a game reserve in 1926    and official opened in 1952 as a national park. The park has gotten savannah vegetation in the north and woodland in the south.

Murchison falls national park lies in the northern Part of Albert Nile rift valley and it’s a habitant for 76 species of mammals including the big five animals that’s buffalo, elephant, lion, leopard with only rhino abscent but you can find them at ziwa rhino sanctuary. The park has got so many other wild animals i.e. Jackson hartebeests, Antelopes, Lions, Kobs, Giraffes, Hyenas, Bushbucks, and Warthog, giraffes, oribi, jackson’s hartebeest, defassa waterbuck, grey duiker, crocodile to mention but a few. The park is a home for largest population of Nile crocodile.

Murchison falls national park is among the leading birding spots with 451 birds which include; the shoe bill stork, giant kingfisher, giant heron, grew crowned crane, Abyssinian ground hornbills, nightjars, marabou stork, black healed lapwing, black- bellied bustard among others but other birds can be seen on the shores of lakes include shoebill, goliath herons etc. the park is divided into two parts separated by River Nile namely southern and northern parts.

Although the Murchison falls national park can be visited anytime of the year but the following are the best times to visit Murchison falls national park.

Dry season that’s December January and February is the best time to visit Murchison falls national park as animals are easier to spot, the grass is green and photo shoot can be best done in this season. Animals are found more easily since they gather at water sources which is Victoria Nile. There is plenty of rain and no rainfall and mosquitoes are few meaning there is less risk of malaria but the heat in January and February is unbearable making dry season favorable and it’s the highest peak.

Wet season from June to November being a low season fewer people come to visit so rates are also low, the land is green, migratory birds can be found but the roads become sleepy and hard to travel because of heavy rainfall.

Murchison falls national park is always open throughout the year so you can always book with us at cheaper rates during low season and go enjoy the park

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